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Good afternoon everybody. The weeks are really flying by and wasn't it nice to see the sunshine. I hope that we have more to come!
We have almost finished our time topic in Numeracy. The children have explored hours, half past, quarter to and past.
We looked at Viking funerals and the different ways they either buried or cremated their warriors. They found it quite amusing that the brave Vikings who made it to Valhalla fought all day and feasted all night eating the same boar over and over again!
We played football and other team games in our outdoor P.E and had really good fun with the plastic sheeting on our Outdoor Learning day. We hadn't expected it to be so windy but we quickly adapted the dens to hot air balloons and kites. It is always great to hear the children laughing and having lots of fun.
In our Big Writing, they wrote an imaginative story from a picture stimulus. I am excited to read them as I mark them.
They are really showing great maturity and are showing what good listeners they are. Whoever their next teacher is I know they will be very proud of them. (as well as very lucky!)
It was great to see the photographer and I am sure the class photo will be really nice.
Just a reminder that the PTA are organising the 'Hunt for the Stolen House Points' event. It looks great fun. If you want to take part you have to send in £5 in an envelope with your child's name and class and the sheets will be given home for you to complete. I am looking forward to trying to complete mine this weekend.
Have a great weekend
Miss Shearer