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Good afternoon
It was really nice to get to chat to you all during parent's nights phone conversations to share your child's progress. It is not the same as seeing you all face to face but hopefully this will change in the very near future.
We are working on our presentation and layout in our Numeracy and the children are putting their addition sums in columns, using the squares to help them separate ones/tens/hundreds. Our problem solving used a variety of Numeracy skills to find the missing answer.
We explored the 'll' sound in phonics and discussed the need for double letters in so many of our words. We have also looked at up-levelling sentences to make them more exciting.
We have looked at Viking Longhouses as well as what daily life was like in Viking times. The children were perhaps not impressed with the need for outdoor 'toilets!' They found it unusual to not go to school and the differences between men and womens work! They wrote an imaginary story of themselves as a Viking child, using the information they had learned. 
Our H&WB looked at a balanced diet and all the different food groups and the need to eat from all the groups to ensure they have a healthy body later in life.
I hope the weather improves for the holiday weekend so that we can all get a little bit of sunshine.

Miss Shearer