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Good afternoon everyone,

Our trip to the woods was a dry and warm one this week. The children had lots of fun learning how to identify trees from their leaves. They identified cherry, hawthorn, pine and rowan trees. They also spotted ivy. 

After they had finished the tree activity the children were given their time to explore the woods. A group of children were having great fun with sticky willow. Others were playing with sticks. And yet another group were enjoying swinging from the trees.

Maths this week saw some children finishing off dividing by four and linking division and multiplication. Other children began a short information handling topic. They learned to organise information into a table, interpret information on a bar graph and how to draw their own bar graph. 

Project and writing were linked this week. The children set up an experiment to see what would happen to the flower of a daisy if we added blue food colouring to the water. We were trying to be as scientific as possible so we decided to write a science report to record our prediction, how we set up the experiment and what happened. The children predicted that the flower would turn blue because the blue water would travel up the stem to the flower head. We are still awaiting the results and will record this on our report when our findings are clear. 

Thursday afternoon was sport's day. A fantastic time was had by all. The children were so resilient and coped will with the wind and rain. Everyone's behaviour in p2/3 was first class and the sportsmanship was super. Well done to all the children. Thank you to those who were able to come along and spectate.

There will be outdoor learning again this Monday. The children should come equiped for this. Old clothes are advisable and waterproofs are a good idea because the weather can be so changeable. Wellies or walking boots are helpful because the woods can be a little muddy. 

Have a lovely and restful weekend. Kind regards, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig.