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Good afternoon,

There has been a lot of excitement in P2/3 this week because a new member of the class has started. Their name is Freddie Fox and he has come to ask the children to help educate others about the importance of living things and our woodland areas. His woodland is not being looked after and this is making him sad. We are going to make woodlands and living things our project this term.

As part of our project, the children are going to be allowed to take Freddie Fox home for a couple of nights. They can introduce Freddie to any green space they have access to. This could be the front or back garden, any nearby grassy areas or further afield if you have time. The children can write a couple of sentences about the green space and what Freddie liked and did there. 

We are also creating a large woodland display in our classroom to make Freddie feel at home. We will continue to add different things to the display as we learn more about the living things within a woodland area. So far the children have been fringing paper to represent grass and printing using real leaves. They have also made bark rubbings and we hope to make these into tree trunks for our display.

Monday was also an exciting day because some of the P6 girls, Olivia, Katie and Emily, had created some Easter fun activities. Lots of fun was had by everyone.

For writing this week, the children went outside to the school garden to look for signs of Spring. They organised what they found into what they saw, heard, smelt and touched. We used their findings to start a plan that we could use to write a senses poem about Spring. The children then discussed any other signs of Spring they found in the country side and they were able to add other ideas about lambs, chicks and frog spawn to their plan. The children then used their plan to support them to write their Spring poem. They made a super job and I am looking forward to displaying them in the class.

For our Workshop for Literacy work this week, the children consolidated their understanding of adjectives and wrote a character description of one of the main characters from 'Fantastic Mr Fox.'

For Maths this week, some children were introduced to the five times tables and others were introduced to the four times table. The children were also given the opportunity to practise word problems with mixed multiplication problems.

This term, the children are going to be given the opportunity to spend an afternoon each week in a local wood as part of their Natural Connections Award. They will also be able to use this opportunity to complete learning related to this term's project. This activity will take place either on a Monday or Wednesday afternoon. This is because Mrs Greig and I will both be attending this activity so we are doing it on alternate work days. The first visit will be in the afternoon of Wednesday the 4th of May. If there are any parents who would like to help out at these sessions we would be grateful for the help. We would need about two volunteers for each session. If you let us know via Seesaw or by phoning the office. We would need to know which days you are available on. The Monday and Wednesday or just one of these days. Then depending on how many volunteers we get, we can work out a timetable over the term. We are still not allowed to have parents within the learning areas of the building but have permission to let parents who are volunteering to wait in the foyer. We will bring the class to meet you there and then proceed to the woods. 

Have a fantastic weekend.
Kind regards,
Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig.