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Good afternoon everyone,

This week, the children bid farewell to our butterflies. They had all hatched by Monday and we felt it was right to let them explore our lovely wildlife garden. It has been great fun watching the their life cycle over the last few weeks. 

The children have had Mrs McIntosh, Mrs Ewing and Mrs Spencer in class covering for Mrs Greig and myself. The children have really impressed them all with their good manners and hard working ethic. 

In maths, we have started a short topic on money. The children have had opportunities to count different amounts of money and to lay coins out for set amounts. They have been able to use coins, whiteboards and number squares to support them.

For project and writing this week, the children researched a chosen animal, took notes on a writing frame then used the notes to write a factual report. I had a lovely afternoon learning about so many different kinds of animals and learned many different facts. 

It is Father's Day on Sunday. The children were very busy yesterday and today creating a lovely arty surprise for Dad. I hope he likes it.

Have a fantastic weekend. 

Kind regards, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig.