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Good afternoon everyone,

On Tuesday the children were introduced to the concept of division. Some children were practising how to share one large group of cubes into smaller equal groups while others were using their knowledge of the two times table to help them divide different amounts by two. The children spent the week exploring and consolidating their understanding of these concepts. 

The focus of workshop for literacy this week continued to be verbs. The children had to look in their reading book for sentences that contained verbs. They then chose two or three of the sentences to copy into their literacy jotter. The children then highlighted the verbs within each sentence.

The focus for project this week was animal homes. Mrs Greig showed the children a PowerPoint about what animals need from their homes and the children discussed their understanding. 

There was great excitement on Wednesday because we were taking a trip to the local woodland and it was our first trip out of school. At the woods, I asked the children to explain to me what they had learned about woodland animal homes. The children were able to explain the home needed to be near a water and food source. It also had to be warm, dry and comfortable while keeping the animal safe. The children were then given the task of creating their own animal home for a bird, squirrel or hedgehog. They had great fun and were able to articulate why they created their homes the way they had. The children were able to use lots of topic vocabulary related to what they had learned about animal homes within their explanations. Please look on Seesaw to watch their video explanations.

I just want to add that all the children were a real credit to you when out of school. They were so sensible on the way to and from the woods. The children all focused on their task when in the woods and followed all the outdoor rules in place to keep them safe. We will be returning next Wednesday.

Our woodland display is constantly developing. This week the children began painting cut up egg boxes. Some children created leaves and stuck the egg shells on the leaves to create bluebells. This will be an on-going task during discovery learning because we need lots. They look fabulous and very effective on our display. We have also made paper plate foxes, badgers and hedgehogs. Some of these will be added to display and others will be displayed along with the children's spring poems on the landing. 

Have a lovely weekend.
Kind regards, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig.