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Good afternoon everyone,

I cannot believe that it is finally the last day of term 3. Time seems to have just flown by. Mrs Greig and I are so proud of all the effort and progress the boys and girls in P2/3 have made over the last few months.

On Monday, the children wrote a personal piece of writing about their creative dance and their experience of performing it in front of an audience. The learning intention was to be able to share their feelings and all the children were able to do this.

Numeracy this week continued to focus on times table. Some children were introduced to the three times tables while others were introduced to the ten times table. After the holidays some children will be moving onto learn about the four times table and then how to multiply two digit numbers. Others will be consolidating their understanding of the two and ten times table and how to solve word problems using these operations.

As part of our RME outcomes, the children were read the story of Easter and learned to understand what Easter means to Christians around the world. The topic generated a lot of interesting discussion.

For project and writing, the children had to research information in order to write a historical report about keeping clean during medieval times. As a class, we noted down what they already knew about the topic. Then together we thought of questions about keeping clean that we would like to find the answer to. Finally, the children worked with a partner to highlight the answers to the questions in a text they were given. They were shown how to use the headings in the text to help them find the answers to each question without having to read the text each time and also how to skim and scan.

Once the children had highlighted answers we came together as a class and shared their information. I wrote answers in note form on large bits of paper. The children were then given a writing frame and had to use the notes to complete the historical report. The learning intention was to be able to turn the notes back into proper, clear sentences. The children did a super job because this was a challenging task. Please look at Seesaw for the finished results. 

As part of our work on reading next term, Most children will be working with the comprehension box. This box focuses on improving children's comprehension skills and the cards get progressively more difficult as the children move through the colours. Some other children in the class will be working on other comprehension work through a mixture of Clicker grids and other suitable texts. 

We ended the week on Friday with a more relaxed day because the children have worked so hard. They made Easter cards and Easter baskets. They also had great fun at the Junior Sports Leader fundraiser today. 

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Easter on behalf of myself and Mrs Greig. Have a wonderful holiday. We look forward to seeing all the boys and girls after the holidays. We cannot believe there is only one term left of P2/3. 

Kind regards, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig