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Good afternoon everyone,

There has been huge excitement in P2/3 as the children have been making final preparations for their creative dance performance next week. They have had a last run through of the dance and have been making the most amazing costumes. The children can't wait to be able to show you what they have been up to!

This week's workshop for literacy focus was on synonyms. The children had to skim and scan a text and look for synonyms for chosen words within the text. 

For maths this week the children continued developing their understanding of multiplication. Some children have started to learn the two and ten times table. Other children learned that it does not matter what way round the numbers in the times table go because it wil give the same answer. They also learned that if you multiply with zero then the answer is always zero. Next week some children will begin to learn the two times table. Others will continue to practise the ten times table and will be introduced to the five times table.

For writing this week the children watched a video clip of a dad trying to follow their children's written instructions for making a peanut butter and jam sandwich. It was very funny because the instructions were not clear enough and things went wrong. The children were then given the challenge of writing better instructions for the dad so he could successfully make and eat his sandwich. This was not as easy as it sounds and took a lot of time. The children demonstrated a lot of perseverence in order to complete this task.

Over the last two terms, we have been taking part in various outdoor activities because we are working towards our Natural Connections awards. Sometimes these activities have to be structured and sometimes the childen need to be given the opportunity to take part in unstructured exploring and play. This is what the children did on Thursday. The children explored parts of the playground that are not used during breaktimes and had a great time. Please look on Seesaw for pictures of what the children did. 

We have finished the week with Red Nose Day. Good fun has been had by everyone. Who knew we had so many talented pirmary twos and threes? I was thoroughly entertained during the talent show. The children also really enjoyed decorating their red nose day cakes and taking part in the quiz.

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig.