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Good afternoon everyone,

For maths this week the children completed work on a mixture of topics. Some children learned the written method of working out subtraction with and without exchange from the tens. Other children were linking their knowledge of addition and subtraction up to 20. 

The children were also furthering their knowledge of 3d shape. They revised the names of the shapes and then studied each shape in more detail. They got the opportunity to record the number of faces, edges and vertices for each shape. The children also got to have a go at making the 3d shapes using play dough and mini sticks. This was challenging but the children were very good at using the school value of perseverance to help them complete the task.

On Tuesday the children's workshop for literacy task was learning to identify if information about a text was true or false. This involved using a number of skills including skimming, scanning and comprehension.

Project this week focused on the children developing group work skills and transferring their knowledge of castles to their own designs. As a group, they designed and labelled their own castle that they would build together. Each person had their own specific job in the group. These were time keeper, recorder (drawing and writing), leader and resource manager. The children took these jobs very seriously and were very responsible. Take a look at Seesaw to see the finished plans.

On Friday the children began to create their castle using their plans and the junk they had brought in. They continued to have their set jobs and they had to enusre they were communitcating effectively with everyone. They put in a lot of effort and will have the opportunity to finish their castles next week. 

On Thursday we went outside for discovery learning. The children had a fabulous time playing in the snow. There was also a nice deep puddle to have a splashing time in! There was just enough snow to be able to roll giant snowballs and to make mini snowmen. 

For writing this week the children continued to work on their imagninative writing skills. This week the stimulus was a video about a dragon who kept making mistakes and was being excluded from friendship groups. The children had to think about what they could do to support the dragon and to encourage others to be kind to him. Lots of super ideas were discussed and the stories were very entertaining. 

Finally, we had a special visitor in our class on Wednesday. She came to see how the children learn in Canmore Primary School. The visitor went away with a very good impression of the pupils within our school. This was due to the super  hard working attitude of the boys and girls in p2/3. She commented on how well the children worked together in groups and how good they were at listening. Well done to all of them. Mrs Greig and I are so proud of them.

Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig