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Good afternoon everyone.

For Maths this week, the children worked on a mixture of subtraction and 3D shape activities. They used a number line, Numicon or a hundred square to support their understanding of subtraction. For 3D shape, the children completed a number of fun activities and games that taught them the names and properties of each shape. 

Project this week focused on considering the best place to build a castle. The children had to decide why a hill would be a better choice than flat land. They also had to decide why woodlands and a river close by would be an advantage.

The children also learned about castle sieges in project. They learned what a siege was and the different ways that armies defended or attacked castles. The tactics included digging under the castle wall so it would fall down, using a catapault to fire large rocks at the walls and soldiers, firing arrows from the arrow slits and poisoning the water supply.

On Thursday and Friday the children used their facts learned in project this week to write an imaginative story about a castle siege. They had to decide if they were defending or attacking the castle and write about the experience. 

For outdoor learning, the children went on a 3D shape hunt. The found many examples of some shapes but not so many or none at all for others. We were delighted that workmen had left some traffic cones on the road outside the field as there was none of that shape within the school grounds.

Next week the children are going to be making a model of a drawbridge. We would be very grateful if the children can bring in any empty cereal boxes you may have because we only have 15 at the moment. Thank you so much.

Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig.