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Good afternoon everyone,

The week started with the children being given the opportunity to perform the Scottish poem that they had learned. It was super to see and hear how much effort they had put into learning their poem. Well done to Harrison, Aila, Anna and Kevin who were our finalists.

On Monday, Mrs Greig introduced the children to using different openers to start their sentences within their extended writing. There are a number of children who are starting to write at length so it is important they can use different starters instead of using the word 'then' all the time. 

The children were introduced to a new workshop for literacy book this week. It is called, 'Knights in Training. Dragons Can't Swim.' After reading chapter one, the children learned how to use what they had heard to create a description of the main character.

Our new topic is castles. The children worked together to record what they already know about castles and what they would like to find out. They had super questions including, what did they eat? How did they defend their castles? and what did they do for fun?

For outdoor learning this week, the children did a litter pick which is something they need to do regularly as part of their Natural Connections award. When the children were outside last week they noticed that there was a lot of litter on the field and wanted to do something about it. The class was split into two and one group litter picked while the other group played a fun game called the maze of doom which reinforced their knowledge and understanding of giving directions. The groups then swapped over so they got to participate in both activities. The amount of rubbish which was cleared was astounding. Well done to all the boys and girls. 

The focus for writing this week was to create an imaginative story which included description. The theme was a picture with a knight, dragon, tower and other characters linked to a castle rescue. The children were given lots of opportunity to share words to describe character and setting. They also discussed ideas they could use in their story. The results were very entertaining. The children remembered to use describing words. Description included, 'the deep, dark wood,' and 'scary, fire breathing dragon.'

Maths this week focused on taking away single digits and teen numbers from a two digit number or pracitising different strategies that can be used to solve subtraction problems to twenty. 

Today the children got to explore and discuss a picture called 'Castle and Sun' by the artist Paul Klee. They then created their own version of the picture using pastels and paint. It was great fun.

Please continue to send in any junk you have for our junk modelling activities we are going to encourage during discovery learning. This can include larger boxes too.  We also need lots of cereal boxes because at some point this term the children will use them to make model drawbridges.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Kind regards Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig.