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Good afternoon everyone,

On Monday the children added skipping to their run club training. They are making such super progress with their running. Stamina and fitness levels are most definitely increasing.

For literacy this week, the children listened to more of 'The Eejits.' Mr Eejit was very naughty and put a puddock (frog) in Mrs Eejit's bed. The children discussed what chosen Scottish words meant. They also had the opportunity to search and highlight Scots words in the text. The children chose their four favourite Scots words then recorded and illustrated them in their jotters.

Writing this week was also linked to 'The Eejits.' The children wrote a description of Mr Eejit and illustrated it. There were many amazing and entertaining pieces of writing. The Scots language just seems to make it more funny. Some of the descriptive Scottish words described Mr Eejit as crabbit, minging, maukit and a midden!

We are going to display some of 'The Eejits' writing so for art the children made their own Mr Eejit face. They curled strips of black sugar paper to create an unruly beard, moustache and hair. Some used polystyrene balls to create googly eyes. The results are fantastic and will be added to the writing display. 

For outdoor learning this week the children continued their study of 2d shapes. They looked for examples of 2d shapes in the outdoor environment and made a tally on their check sheet. The children found lots of squares and circles but very few hexagons or pentagons. 

Maths this week continued to focus on strategies and skills required to solve subtraction problems successfully. The groups either looked at taking away a teen number from a teen number and a single digit from a teen number bridging ten or taking away multiples of ten from a two digit number and taking away 11, 21, 31, etc or 9, 19, 29, etc. All children have been encouraged to use numicon, number lines, number squares, etc to support them with their work.

We are going to be starting a project on castles from next week. Some of the work covered will be done through play. If you have any kitchen roll tubes or cardboard boxes of any sort (large or small) or any other materials/junk at home that you think would be good for building junk model castles could you please send it in to school with your child. We would be very grateful. 

Have a wonderful weekend.
Kind regards from Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig.