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Good afternoon everyone,

It has been a fun filled, busy and hard working week in P2/3.

For workshop for literacy, the boys and girls continued to work on their sequencing skills. Mrs Greig read them the story of 'The Little Lost Robin.' They then discussed and sequenced the four main parts of the story.

The children all had to perform a talk that they had been preparing for homework this week. They chose a country to research and then they shared what they had learned with the class. Mrs Greig and I were so impressed with the effort that the children had put into their talks. Many had made posters, some had made a PowerPoint and lots had props to bring their talk to life. The children should all feel very proud of themselves. They spoke with confidence and demonstrated a real knowedge of their subject. 

One of the highlights of this week was the Christmas party. The children performed the 'Prince of Orange' dance and then participated in a number of party games. They included pass the parcel and musical bumps. The children were treated to a chocolate bar, choc ice and a drink. The behaviour of all children at the party was exemplary. 

For outdoor learning this week the children were introduced to language associated with position and movement. We reminded ourselves of what left and right was. Then we worked on stepping left or right and moving forwards or backwards. Then we practised following a sequence of instructions using this language. When the class were confident with this we worked on turning left or right and then adding this into the instructions. This was more challenging and we will be continuing to practise this further after the Christmas break.

The final highlight of the week was the online pantomime. This year it was Cinderella. It was lots of fun to watch and it was a great way to round of a fantastic week. 

Have a fantastic weekend and a super holiday when it comes. 

Kind regards, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig.