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Good afternoon everyone,

On Monday the boys and girls continued their participation in run club. They worked on speed through completing a series of sprints. The children had to gradually build up the effort they put in from 5/10 until they reached 10/10. 

In Maths this week, we have been focusing on accurate counting skills, recognising numbers that are larger or smaller and separating numbers into tens and ones.

On Wednesday during Art, the children were introduced to the artist Picasso. They learned that he liked to look at faces from different angles then paint them all at once to create a new face. Some children thought they looked funny and some didn't like them at all. The children then used the idea of creating a new face. They cut out  facial features from different magazine pictures then stuck the different features together to create a new face. The results were very interesting!

For Writing this week, the children were given the task of creating a piece of personal writing with the title 'My Blue Day.' Many different subjects were written about including falling out with siblings and hurting themselves. Some of the pieces will be displayed alongside next week's Art focus which will be based on Picasso's blue period.

For Project this week, the children continued to learn about wants and needs but this time it was linked to money. The children had to imagine they had to buy items for a pet hamster. They were given a budget and a picture list. In a group, they had to decide what they would buy with their money. They very quickly realised that although all the hamster toys were very appealing they would have to buy what the hamster really needed first. Things like food, bedding and a water bottle. They then realised that exercise was also a need and that they should pick the hamster toy that helped the hamster get the most exercise. It was a great lesson in understanding that we often have to make choices about what we spend our money on and that we can't always get everything we want.

The next project lesson this week focused on ways that we earn or receive money and ways that we can look after our money to help us save for some of the things we really want to buy. The children were able to talk about saving money, keeping money safe and not buying small treats in order to get what we really want sooner. 

Overall, it has been a busy but lovely week. I hope the children have a super weekend and get a chance to relax. 

Kind regards,
Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig.