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Good afternoon everybody.
I hope this sunny weather stays with us!

The children worked with the ck digraph this week and noticed that no words start with this combination. They realised there are a lot of words that we use that need both the letters.

The children have become very confident with using the apparatus for gymnastics. They have worked on posture as well as thinking how to move along the apparatus.

We have drawn lovely Father's Day pictures to go to the Courier. I will let you know when they will be published.

We have completed our time topic with looking at hours before and after on digital and analogue clocks. We are now exploring numbers to 100 and had great fun completing a 100 square by looking at patterns within numbers.

We have designed our scarecrows and worked out the pairings. If you are able to help make them we are doing so on Wednesday 31st May in the afternoon. It will be great fun and the children are very excited to take part in this task. We realised that we don't have any straw so the children have written persuasive letters to a local farmer to see if they would be willing to donate some to our class. Fingers crossed!

We have our Walk to Local Woods next Wednesday 17th in the afternoon (1.20pm-3pm).  We do have a couple of helpers but there is no limit to how many can come with us. If you would like to help search for bugs and mini-beasts then please let me know via Seesaw.

Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Shearer