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Good afternoon everybody.

The children have made a great start to Term 4. They have come in really well settled and ready to learn.

We have worked on bar graphs this week making sure we can all interpret data. We have also ensured that every child takes their time when colouring in the columns so that their presentation is of a high standard. Well done P2 for taking on board my advice and creating really neat bar charts. I have posted pictures of them on Seesaw. 

The children wrote facts about Spring in our Big Writing. It has been so lovely to have the beautiful Spring sunshine this week. It is always so nice to see bulbs growing and trees budding and blossoming.  We have written a lovely Spring poem using our senses to help us. I hope you are able to see them on Seesaw.

We have continued with our gymnastics skills and I am very impressed with the confidence and care the children are showing to use the equipment.

On Welly Wednesday we went out onto the field to make kites. It was very windy, which was great for flying the kites but not so good for us making them as our resources kept blowing away! We are going to make another next week after discussing what materials worked well and which didn't and what would have made our models better. It is always good to reflect on our learning to see what we can do to make it better next time. 

We have made really beautiful blossom on trees using cotton buds and shades of pink and white paint to create the blossom. I am very impressed with their skills.

We completed the week with our rainbow experiment. The children really loved the colours in the plate.

Have a great weekend.
Miss Shearer