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Good afternoon to you all.

What another quick week it has been!

The children have been very busy this week preparing for next Wednesdays Music Festival. (1st February) I know you will be extremely proud of them as each time we practise it just gets better and better. It is really exciting to be with the P4's for this event. I hope some of you wil be able to watch us at the Vine Conference Centre. You are able to buy tickets on the day. 
Please can all children come to school on Wednesday dressed in school uniform  (white shirt and tie black skirt/trousers) We will get them to put jumpers/cardigans in bags before we leave the school. The bus leaves very promptly at 9.15am.  There will be no outdoor learning on this day (1st February)

It was lovely to hear the children recite their Scots poems. Well done to the finalists who were able to confidently recite their poem to Mrs Howie and Mrs Ewing.

We have completed our fractions topic in Numeracy this week and are moving on to multiplication next week.

For drawing club, the children were looking for facts about British birds. We looked at different ones online and listened to their calls/songs and discussed sizes, shapes and colouring as well as birds familiar to the children. The children made their fat-balls on Wednesday so they can put them out and hopefully attract birds to your gardens. This is in preparation for this weekends Big Garden Birdwatch. This year's event takes place on 27th - 29th January 2023. The public is asked to spend just one hour watching and recording the birds in their garden or local green space, then send their results to the RSPB. They really value your input.

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Shearer