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Good afternoon everyone,

We have looked at numbers to 12 - 20 this week and the patterns we can use to find the correct answer. (using doubles and adding on or taking away one number) We have reinforced the inverse numbers (12+8=20 so 8=12=20) The children do need to keep practising their doubles so that they can improve their speed and accuracy.

We have looked at who, what, where, when, why to help us up-level our sentences and make our stories more exciting. The children used these words to write about Pudsey. 

We had a lot of fun doing our taste test as part of our Senses project exploring the tongue and where the taste buds are the importance of sight and smell alongside taste. The limes very especially sour!

We made insects, fairies, etc as part of our Wellie Wednesday using wooden pegs, feathers, wool etc as well as natural resources we found in the field. Can I please remind you that we do get dirty so please use old clothing and wellie boots? The children do need a suitable outdoor jacket and possibly hats and gloves too.  Thank you.

The highlight of the week was definitely the McDougalls show on Tuesday afternoon. It was wonderful to see the children all joining in to really happy songs (I joined in with as much enthusiasm as the children !)

Enjoy your extended weekend.
Miss Shearer