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Good afternoon everybody.

I hope you all a great October Break. The children were very excited to share their holiday news.

We would like to welcome Amber to our class. She is settling in so well to our class which is definitely a lot to do with the welcoming nature of our class. Well done P2, you make me feel so proud.

We have started our new project for Term 2 which is the Senses. We have focused on hearing this week and made our telephones which worked really well to show how sound travels through vibrations. In class, we experimented with a bowl covered with cling film and some salt on top of it. When we played the tambour the salt 'danced' to the sound vibrations.

Our blend this week was 'tr' and we explored the Elves and the Shoemaker traditional tale for our Drawing Club. The children described their elf/elves and then designed their own shoes. They have come up with some very creative designs.

Halloween has taken over the end of this week with the children making paper spiders and goodie bags. The disco was so much fun. The children looked amazing in their varied costumes. It is so good to be back into organised events again. Well done the PTA for organising.

Homework will continue to come home on a Tuesday with their reading book. Please return on Monday to allow books to be changed and homework glued into jotters. 

P.E is going to be on Mondays and Tuesdays. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE clothes. Our Wellie Wednesdays will re-start next week. It is really important to come with suitable footwear, warm clothes and an outdoor jacket with hood in case of rain.(I have had children coming without jackets and the weather is definitely changing)  We do get dirty so please do not wear good clothing or good trainers.If possible, could you please tie long hair back as we do roll down the hill.

Have a happy Halloween weekend if you are celebrating it.
Remember the clocks go back an hour this weekend!
Miss Shearer