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Good afternoon everybody.

I cannot believe that we are so close to the end of Term One! It has absolutely flown by. The children have really settled well into the class routines.

This week in numeracy we have looked at the Days of the Week and how to spell them. We also explored days before and after which was challenging but it is good to see the 'have a go' attitude from the children and them not giving up.

Our blends for phonics this week sc and sk and our handwriting was the g which is following on from the initial c family that we have been doing weekly. We are working on using the lines and making sure tail letters go below the line.

Drawing Club was great fun as we were looking at an episode of The Trapdoor. Burk is a monster that shares a castle with Boni and various monsters and creepie crawlies and the children drew a detailed picture of Burk and described him in their writing. We then designed their own castle and wrote about the things they chose that were different to the original Trapdoor castle.

On Tuesday we watched a Teams meeting from Climate Action Week and discussed why it is so important to take care of our planet. It really is our children who will be the ones to make the changes required to ensure they have a lovely planet to live on.

We had great fun at the MacMillan Big Breakfast on Thursday. Thank you so much P6's for organising a fun morning for such a deserving cause.

We have looked at naming body parts by their correct names this morning. I am sure they will share some of their learning with you!

Remember that Monday is school photograph day so their will be no PE as all children will be in school uniform.
There is a change to Outdoor Learning (Wellie Wednesday) next week. We will be doing it on Thursday afternoon instead of Wednesday.

Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Shearer