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Good afternoon everybody.
I cannot believe another week has gone and we are now into June!
It has been lovely to have some sunshine and hopefully we will get some more! It was good to see the children bringing in their sunhats and suncream on the really hot days as they can burn so easily. We have completed our practice run for Sports day (Thursday 8th June) and of course it was a bit on the damp side but fingers crossed for a nice day weather wise next week.

We are continuing to work on number order, before/larger and bigger/smaller and will continue to develop this topic next week. 

The children have looked at adding 'ed' and 'ing' to root words and we discussed the past, present and future.

The children are enjoying watching our beans grow and I am sure they will enjoy telling you about the beans that are in the dark cupboard and what has happened to the plants that cannot reach the sunlight.

The highlight of the week was making the scarecrows. They are absolutely amazing and have made the garden their home. All the classes are enjoying seeing them. Thank you so much to the parents that were free to come in and help. I appreciate the support through the year that you have been able to give us either by coming in or supplying us with various resources from home. You are all amazing.

Fingers crossed for a sunny weekend.
Miss Shearer