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Good afternoon,

We have started to look at time this week. The children have made a clock that they can take home after we have used it in class. We will be focussing on o'clock and half past in digital and analogue.

The children wrote an imaginative story about a kite. There were really good ideas shared with the class and they were able to write about the adventures that their kites had. I enjoyed reading their stories. Well done P2.

We made new kites this week and I am pleased they did fly. It was good to discuss the reasons why they weren't very successful last week and work on improving our designs for this weeks task.

We have started our reduce, recycle, reuse campaign this week. The children have been looking at packaging to see what is recyclable. We have found out that Fife have changed the plastic recycling and we can now put soft plastics etc in the green bin so the children are aiming to raise awareness to this. They are concerned that we don't have plastic recycling at school so we are looking to see what can we do to help with this. They agreed that 'Children Can Make a World of Difference' and want to protect our wonderful planet. I am so proud of them for caring so much.

Our art this week was designing a sheep for the RHET Competition to win tickets to the Royal Highland Show. Our fingers are crossed.

We are celebrating the Royal Coronation next Friday and we have discussed in class about each child bringing in a little something to have at our picnic. The children are invited to dress up in princess dresses, smart shirts, waistcoats, anything with a bit of sparkle (tiaras if available) anything that they have at home or can borrow from mum, dad or grandparents (the girls could wear their Chicken Licken tutus) Please don't go to any expense... we are all about pre-loved or borrowed. We will be making crowns at school next Friday.  

Have a great weekend.
Miss Shearer