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Good afternoon to you all.

What a busy week we have had.The children are settling in so well to our P2 routines and I must compliment them on their hard work, good manners and great listening skills. They are a real pleasure to teach.

We have been focussing on place value to 20 and will be exploring numbers before and after next week. We are also counting in 10's and seeing how quickly and accurately we can count to 100 verbally.

The children are practicing their handwriting by making sure they are forming letters correctly. I will put an example for homework on seesaw.

I will be consolidating all the basic sounds as well as blends over the next few weeks.

Drawing Club is a new approach for writing that we are using across all of our P2 children. It starts with a story then the children draw a detailed picture from the story looking at character, setting, plot,etc. They then discuss what could be changed about the story in the following lesson and will then write about their ideas. It was lovely today to read about who was trip trapping across the trolls bridge. We had unicorns, flying pigs and elks amongst their many great ideas.  

Our project this term is Houses and Homes and we looked at the different types of houses we live in.

We had great fun on Wellie Wednesday afternoon at our Natural Connections with the children creating their own games with equipment we had provided them with. It was so nice to see their sharing, turn-taking, resilience skills and their creativity as they made a great variety of games  I will upload photos onto Seesaw.

I hope you enjoy the children's art work that they have brought home today. They are really working hard at developing their fine motor skills. We used a folding technique today which is tricky but they have made a great job of their fish.

Have a really lovely weekend.
Miss Shearer