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Good afternoon,

In maths this week the children learned about the value of each digit within a two digit number. They also learned to represent two digit numbers using concrete material such as Dienes and Numicon. The children drew amounts and wrote how many tens and ones were in each number. 

For Workshop for Literacy this week, the children were continuing to work on their prediction skills. Katie Morag had dropped the sack of mail in the sea and the children had to predict what would happen next. There were lots of good ideas including jumping in the sea to rescue the mail.

On Thursday, the children watched the first eighteen seconds of a short animation. They saw an animated monster arise out the lake. Their job was to describe what the monster looked like and what kind of monster it was. We had a wonderful discussion about this. The children then drew a picture of the monster based on the ideas that had been shared. Later, the writing process was modelled to them and then the children wrote their own description of the monster. Lots of interesting language was used. The monster was drooling, terrifying, slimy and scaly.

Have a wonderful holiday. Kind regards, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig.