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Good afternoon everyone,

How can it be Friday already? The final weeks of Primary 1 are flying by, yet we are still as busy as ever and have plenty of fun and exciting activities to look forward to!

In Maths this week we developed our understanding of counting forwards and backwards in 2s and explored and continued simple number patterns. In Numeracy, we have been consolidating our previous learning of addition within 10 and building on our existing skills and strategies to support us including, using our fingers and the counting on strategy. Each day we have been developing our mental addition skills by completing the ‘Daily 10’ mental maths challenge (the link for this game has been shared on Seesaw, if you would like to continue to practice at home.)

For Literacy, we continued to increase our sight vocabulary, learning to read the last of the first 100 common words ‘there, their, now, people and saw’. We enjoyed searching for these words in our reading books this week and had great fun playing our favourite common word game ’Beat the Bomb', where the children have 1 minute to read as many common words as possible. The children are very proud to see an improvement in the speed in which they can recognise their words and are pleased to see their score going up.

Our third ‘Welly Wednesday’ walkabout to the local woods was very successful. This week we used our observational skills and a key to hunt for and identify a variety of different minibeasts. We had a fantastic time exploring in the grass, looking under rocks and logs and on leaves and flowers in search of minibeasts.

The highlight of the week, however, was discovering that Miss Shearer is going to be our new teacher in Primary 2 next year. Although we are sad that our time with Miss Yorkston is nearly over, we are very much looking forward to meeting Miss Shearer, during our ‘Meet the Teacher’ session on Monday and already have lots of questions about next year, to ask her!

Have a wonderful weekend
Miss Yorkston and P1b