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Good afternoon, and happy May everyone!

It has been a very different week with the Monday Bank Holiday and Thursday's In-Service but we have still managed to have a busy week full of fun filled learning experiences.

We used the long weekend as a meaningful context in which to develop our listening and talking skills as we shared with our classmates what we had enjoyed doing. The children have been working on giving enough detail to make their meaning clear, to tell the `when, where, who and what’. They have also been working on being a good audience by looking at the speaker and giving appropriate responses.

Also, in literacy, we were learning the skill of sequencing parts of a story. Following reading the story of ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ the children were given 3 jumbled sentences to read and put in the right order and learned that a story always has a beginning, middle and end.

The story of Jack and the Beanstalk was then used as our context for our ‘Welly Wednesday task’ as we all planted our very own ‘magic’ beans and are hoping that we will soon be able to climb our beanstalks to a castle in the clouds, just like Jack. Before planting we took the opportunity to revisit previous learning on what seeds and plants need in order to grown and will ensure that we water our seeds regularly, and hopefully the weather will provide enough sunlight and the right temperature for them to grow into healthy beanstalks.   We can’t wait to go back out  for ‘Welly Wednesday’ next Wednesday and see if the have started to grow.

As it is now May, we took the opportunity to practise reciting the days of the week and the months of the year, before recording all the fun and important events that we are looking forward to this month. Also, in numeracy we were continuing with our topic of subtraction. Rather than using pictures for support, we were using our fingers to answer our sums.

A highlight this week was reaching the Daily Mile Destination of Brazil. We used a non-fiction book entitled, `Brazil for Kids, People Places and Cultures’ by Speedy Publishing, to learn lots of interesting facts about Brazil. The children particularly enjoyed seeing a photograph of the tree named Brazilwood, with its blood red features and from which the country`s name was derived.

Wishing a you all a wonderful weekend. Don’t forget to make your story time book choice on Seesaw!
Miss Yorkston and P1b