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Good afternoon,
I can’t believe how many fun and exciting learning experiences we have had this week; it has made the week just fly by.

For Maths, we completed our learning on the topic of Money. We have been learning to pay for multiple items using 1ps, 2ps and 5ps; which enabled the children to transfer and apply their addition skills to solve problems in another context. This concept was slightly challenging so we are continuing to keep our pet shop to develop our skills during our Discovery Learning. For Mental Maths, we were learning the concept of subtracting 0, 1, and 2. Through singing the songs ‘ten green bottles’ and ‘ten fat sausages, we discovered that when subtracting, the answer gets smaller as we count down the number ladder. We also learned by subtracting 1, the answer is the number before the biggest number and when subtracting 2 the answer is 2 less than the biggest number. We also extended our vocabulary of the different words that mean to subtract, including take-away and minus. We will continue to develop our subtraction skills and strategies next week.

We also developed our Drama skills this week, learning to use sound and voice. Our context was the book ‘Peace at Last’ by Jill Murphy, and we enjoyed actively listening and creating the sound effects within the story. We then used the story as our context for writing this week. We were surprised when Miss Yorkston received a phone call from Mr Bear from the story, who wanted to share with us all the silly incidents that happened due to him being very tired from his lack of sleep the night before. We each wrote a sentence about what Mr Bear had told us on the phone. Most of us are now able to write a sentence using a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop and are attempting to spell common words and unknown words using our knowledge of sounds.

We had another wonderful ‘Welly Wednesday’ afternoon. Our task this week was to discover more about the flowers that grow in our local environment by completing a flower checklist. Some of the names were a little tricky to remember but with our partners, we were able to successfully identify all flowers. We then had a discussion of which other flowers we would like to see growing in our garden and sunflowers were the most popular. We are looking forward to asking Mrs McIntosh if we could possibly plant some sunflower seeds for one of our next ‘Welly Wednesday’ activities.

I hope you all have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend and that the weather stays nice.

Miss Yorkston and P1b