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Good afternoon, and welcome back to Term 4! I hope you all had a lovely Easter break! It is lovely to see everyone back, smiling, and full of enthusiasm for what the new term may bring.

Already this term has started with many exciting experiences. On Monday we were surprised with a fun Easter themed event. Thank you to P6 girls, Katie, Olivia and Emily who kindly organised the activities; we all had a super fun time!

On Tuesday we were surprised once more, this time by the arrival of a shop to our class area, which provided learning opportunities across our curriculum.  After much discussion about different types of shops we agreed that our shop would be a pet shop and set about choosing and creating the animals in which we would sell. We then practised our Information Handling skills as we voted for a name for our shop. The winning name was ‘Pets, Pets, Pets!’ We extended our Digital Literacy skills as we learned to identify common logos and learned why companies use them, before creating our own logo which we added to the shop sign. The main purpose of the shop, however, was to create a fun but meaningful way to develop our money skills and this week we have been learning to use 1ps, 2ps and 5ps to find different ways to make the total of a single item. Next week the shop will continue to provide meaningful learning opportunities as we demonstrate our number addition skills, by adding the price of two items, before choosing the best coins to use to make the totals.

Our very first ‘Welly Wednesday’ was a huge success and a definite highlight of the week. This week our focus was upon exploring and discovering the outdoor school environment. We were amazed at all the new areas that we discovered and the activities we could experience.  I hope you enjoyed sharing the photos and videos on Seesaw with your child, I’m sure they had lots to talk about! Welly Wednesday will continue every week this term, unless shared otherwise. 

Could I ask that you ensure that your child’s lunch choices are up to date on Ipay-impact, including if they are bringing a packed lunch from home. Could I also remind you that your child’s reading book should be returned on Mondays.

Wishing you a lovely weekend. Don’t forgot to make your book choice on Seesaw, for Monday’s story time.

Miss Yorkston and P1b.