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Good afternoon,
How can it be that we are only one week away from the end of Term 3? It must be all the fantastic hard work and fun learning that we have been engaging in, that has made the weeks just fly by!   

 With the weather this week being brighter and warmer, we agreed that it must mean that Spring is finally here! We have enjoyed many playtimes and lunchtimes playing in the glorious sunshine, leaving our jackets inside.

We also took advantage of the beautiful weather this week to learn more about Spring.  Before heading outdoors in search for signs of Spring, we explored different Non-fiction texts to learn more about what we were looking for. Once outside we found lots of signs of Spring and we even enhanced our Digital Technology skills as we each practised taking our own favourite springtime photograph. I hope you enjoyed looking at these with your child on Seesaw this week.

Our focus for Numeracy and Mathematics this week has been money. We were delighted to be visited by Saul’s dad, Mr Grew who works for HSBC to introduce our money topic. We learned why we need money, how we get/earn money, the notion of saving money and earning interest in the bank. We also learned that money takes various forms and values e.g coins, notes, cards and vouchers. In our follow up lessons, we have been looking closely to the 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins and learning how to recognise these coins. It has been quite challenging, remembering the different coins but we have been discussing different ways to remember including colour, size, shape and features e.g. pictures and numbers. We also agree that it would be beneficial if we could continue our learning with you at home by looking at and describing coins you may have in your purse or wallet.

A highlight this week was finally reaching South Africa on our Daily Mille Challenge. Reaching this destination provided a real context for exploring other World cultures. We learned that South Africa has 11 official languages, and that Johannesburg is the biggest city. We were most interested in finding out about the South African animals; the elephants, rhinos, giraffes and lions. We are looking forward to the journey to our next Daily Mile Destination of Brazil.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, may the sun continue to shine for us!

Please remember to make your story time book choice for Monday on Seesaw.

Miss Yorkston and P1b