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Good afternoon, 
We have had a very busy week in Primary 1!

In Numeracy this week, we continued on our learning journey through numbers. We have now learned all numbers from 0-10 and have been practising the skills of recognising each of the numbers, forming them accurately, building each number in different ways and counting accurately. We are looking forward to exploring more skills from our number learning journey further next week.

As part of our R.M.E curriculum, we read the story from the Bible of the birth of Jesus. We learned how important this story is to Christians and that it is called, `The Nativity Story`.  A highlight this week was finding out that we will be performing our very own version of the story ‘The Very Hopeless Camel’. Rehearsals are well underway, and we are looking forward to dressing up, acting, dancing and sharing our performance with you.  

We have demonstrated our creative abilities this week, by completing the very special task of decorating angel wings for St Leonards Church. These angel wings will be collated together and used in a Christmas display in the Kingsgate Shopping Centre. We can’t wait to have the opportunity to see all our creativity when they go on display on December 11th.

Finally, we once again used our Digital Literacy skills to research facts about China, after reaching this destination in our Daily Mile Challenge. We were all amazed by the impressive structure ‘the Great Wall of China’ and agreed that Chinese food looks and sounds delicious.

A quick reminder that reading books should be return on Monday, so that I can issue a new book on Thursdays. 

Wishing you a wonderful weekend. 
Miss Yorkston and P1b