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Good Afternoon

There has been a very noticeable change in temperature, with a definite chill in the air this week, reminding us that Autumn is here! This created the perfect opportunity for us to learn more about the signs of Autumn in Science. After discussing the different signs, which included the leaves changing colour, darker nights and rainier days, we set off outside to explore our school grounds and take part in an Autumn Scavenger Hunt as part of our Outdoor Learning Day. We also helped to look after our school environment and very much enjoyed taking part in the Big School Litter Pick. We have shared some photographs of these activities on Seesaw. 

After learning about the history of November 5th and becoming aware of the story of Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot, we enjoyed watching and listening to firework displays on Youtube. We stamped our feet and clapped our hands to add more sound to the videos. We also learned about how to keep ourselves safe around bonfires and fireworks and we created posters to teach others too.

The House Themed Day was most enjoyable. We had great fun working collaboratively in our houses to design a new house mascot. Thank You to our P7’s who helped us with our designs and sharing some information about what a mascot is.

The highlight of the week however was receiving our first reading folder and reading book. We enjoyed listening to the story in class and are looking forward to sharing these with you. Please ensure all reading books and folders are returned to school on Monday.

Wishing you a fun and safe weekend.
Miss Yorkston