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Good afternoon,

I can't quite believe that’s our first term of Primary 1 over already !! it seems like only yesterday that I was standing in front of you all, welcoming you for your very first day at Canmore. It has been a very quick and busy term with lots of great learning and fun taking place. This afternoon we took the time to reflect on this term, sharing what we have enjoyed, what we have learned in our first term and what we are looking forward to next term. 

In Literacy this week, we learned to recognise, say and write the letters ‘i, n and p’. We also learned their position in the alphabet and to recognise words with the ‘i, n and p’ sounds in them. We were proud to be able to read and write the words ‘it, is, in and an’. Thank you for consolidating these sounds and words at home.

In Numeracy, our focus has been on learning the number 5. We have now learned the numbers 0-5 and are enjoying learning to recognise, write and build the numbers in different ways.

As part of our Project and Developing the Young Workforce curriculum we have been increasing our knowledge about different jobs. We have thoroughly enjoyed watching the interviews with our parents we undertook as part of our homework task this week and found all the different jobs very interesting. They certainly gave us much to think about in terms of what we would like to do as a job when we grow up… although there is plenty of time to think about that big question!

The highlight of the week was when we took advantage of the rare Autumnal sunshine and enjoyed taking our Discovery Learning Time outdoors. We explored the garden and large equipment, working collaboratively, sharing, turn-taking, and developing our negotiating skills.

Wishing you a wonderful October break and I will see you all in Term 2!
Miss Yorkston