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Good Afternoon,

I can’t quite believe that that’s another week over already, and what another busy one we have had!

In our literacy learning, we are all thrilled that we have now learned the sounds made by all 26 letters of the alphabet, having learned the ‘j’ sound on Monday. In our phonics lessons we have been focusing on using these sounds to spell 2, 3, and 4 letter phonetic words. Also in literacy we learned about the ‘naughty a’ sound, who in the words ‘was’ and ‘want’, plays tricks on us by changing his sound to say ‘o’. We have had lots of fun participating in different activities to support us in our learning to read, write and identify these words in our reading books and our daily book choices for story time.  Please see Seesaw for an updated Common word list as well as a grid of suggested ‘fun’ activities that can support us with our learning of the common words at home.

In Numeracy after successfully teaching Joey bear to read o’clock times on an analogue clock last week, we have continued to develop our learning in telling the time. This week we have learned to read and display o’clock times on digital clocks and are looking forward to sharing all of our learning with you at home.

The highlight of the week was creating ‘seed ball feeders’ as part of our Science and outdoor learning curriculum. After several observations about the lack of different birds we have spotted in and around our school we decided that we needed to do something to encourage more birds to the area. Using our digital literacy skills, we researched common garden birds and their feeding habits. We learned that not all birds like to feed the same way, as robins prefer their food to be scattered whereas bluetits prefer to hang upside down whilst eating. On Thursday we went outside and placed our feeders in the trees and surrounding areas of our garden. We hope that the birds enjoy their food and we are keeping our fingers crossed that we see some different birds next week during our Big Garden Bird Watch.

Finally, we have been working really hard to learn and recite our Scots poem ‘Robin Reidbriest’ by JK Annand and Miss Yorkston is looking forward to listening to us all individually and choosing our three finalists for Mrs McIntosh and Mrs Howie on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Yorkston and P1b