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Good afternoon,

This week we enthusiastically welcomed the Daily Mile Destination competition to Canmore where each class competes to travel round the world powered by their Daily Mile sessions. Today we were thrilled to reach our first destination, France. 
We were very excited to learn more about the country we were visiting as we put our Early Technologies curriculum into practise by using an internet search engine and appropriate keywords. France turned out to be a fascinating country and the children were particularly excited about the French delicacy of escargot!  However, by the reactions I am very confident this won't be requested at any meal time soon!
This week we have been continuing to persevere, concentrate and develop a have- a- go attitude as taught to us by the jungle animals we met last week. We have also increased our `learner attributes ' further this week by meeting our 3 final jungle animals. Katie the creative chameleon taught us to be creative in our thoughts, actions and activities. We practised this quality as we took part in the schools Jeans for Genes design competition each creating a unique design. Slinky Linky Snake taught us to make links/ to use what we already know or can do , to help us achieve in new challenges. We displayed this learner quality as we made predictions in story time. Finally Priscilla the proud peacock taught us to always be the best we can be and make ourselves proud. We practised this skill as we played in the classroom, being kind to others, sharing, turn-taking and tidying away our toys beautifully.

 Have a lovely weekend,
 Mrs.Davie and P1a.

Date for the diary ; Tuesday 14th Sept am,  a Dunfermline Press photographer will be at school to take the P1 Class Photo which will appear in the Press in a special supplement in due course.