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Good afternoon,

We had so many wonderful highlights during our last full week of Primary 1.

On Monday we met one of our P2 teachers, Mrs.Greig . We thought that she was lovely and we are looking forward to learning with her and Mrs.Thomson next session.

On Tuesday we were thoroughly entertained by the P7s as we were given the opportunity to be in the audience of their show, `Rock Bottom’. The singing, dancing and acting were wonderful ! We also reached the penultimate Daily Mile Destination of Greenland and are pleased that we will complete our `round the world’ journey before the holidays. We are very proud of our achievement!

On Wednesday we celebrated our Natural Connections Bronze Award with a Welly Wednesday walk to the playpark. Everyone had a lovely afternoon. May we please take the opportunity to thank our wonderful parent helpers for volunteering to accompany us on our Walkabout sessions. Without your support it would not have been possible. Thank you.

On Thursday we proudly added canes to support our ever-growing beanstalks. We are sure they will reach up to the castle in the clouds before we return in August. 

Finally, on Friday we spent a very active hour: bouncing, climbing, sliding, crawling and tumbling on the large inflatables which came to the field. Mrs. Davie said that it has made her very happy to see what wonderful friends we have become this year and how we support and care for each other. She thinks we are like a whole class of brothers and sisters and is thrilled that she will be able to share the area with us all again next session!
Have a wonderful weekend.
P1a and Mrs.Davie.