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Good Afternoon,

Thank you again to the remaining parents whom I spoke to this week during our last parent contact telephone calls. Once again it was lovely to have the opportunity to share with you the hard work and progress made by all the children throughout this year.  

We were all very excited to start our week with another delivery of a basketful of clues from Little Red Riding Hood. This time the clues were for the popular fairytale, ‘The Gingerbread Man.’ On Monday, we enjoyed taking an active part in reading the story and discussing our favourite parts. We then learned to sequence pictures from the story in the correct order. For Writing, we continued to develop our sentence writing skills, by retelling the beginning, middle and end of the story in our own words.

On Tuesday afternoon, we completed another STEAM challenge with our partners. This time we had to build The Gingerbread Man, something that would help him cross the river safely.  Miss Yorkston thought our plans and creations were fantastic and we can’t wait to find out next week if , The Gingerbread Man thought the same.
In Numeracy, we have been learning about subtraction. Primary 1 have had fun developing our understanding of the concept of subtraction, through songs and playing the game ‘Race to the Finish’ to practise counting backwards. It would help us to become more confident if we could continue to practise counting backwards from different numbers at home. We also developed our skills by learning to take away 1 and 2 from numbers up to 10. Primary 2 have been consolidating their understanding and skills in subtraction within 10. For Mental Maths, we have been developing our mental subtraction using our 'counting back' strategy. We will continue this strategy daily to help increase our speed.

Wishing you a wonderful long weekend, fingers crossed the sun reappears, and I will see you all on Tuesday!

Miss Yorkston