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Good afternoon.
I hope you had a lovely, relaxing October holiday. It has been a week of many highlights this week.
For Primary 1’s we have started on our second learning journeys and have been busy learning the skills we will need to become good at reading, writing and numeracy.  In Literacy we have enjoyed learning our Jolly Phonics, focusing on the sounds ‘a, t and n’. It has been lovely to see on Seesaw, the enthusiasm your child is demonstrating in learning these sounds as they complete their homework activities with you. Please continue to share the videos and pictures of your child’s homework on Seesaw, as I love seeing the progress they are making.
Primary 2’s have continued to learn to read and write words with different diagraph sounds. This week we focused on the ‘ai’ sound.  Today in your child's school bag I have sent home a homework pack for you to quarantine over the weekend so we can start our homework on Tuesday. I will upload the new homework grid for this term onto seesaw on Tuesday 3rd November. Please do not complete any phonic homework until we have done the sound in class. I will upload the sound each week onto seesaw, Thank you for your continued support. 
In Numeracy we have been learning to count, recognise and write our numbers to 10. Primary 2’s have continued their learning all about numbers to 20 and have focused on counting groups of objects and saying how many tens and how many ones e.g. 18 has 1 ten and 8 ones.
I hope you liked the robin picture that your child has brought home. It is for our annual Christmas card that will be printed if you would like to order. The instructions for doing so has been e-mailed out to you. Please return the pictures on Monday. 

It was lovely to see the children dressing up for Halloween in school today and seeing them enjoy the different activities we did.

Our PE days are still a Thursday and a Friday this term and children should continue to come to school on these days dressed for outdoor PE.

I wish you all a happy Halloween and a lovely weekend, 
Miss Yorkston