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Good afternoon,

This week, the P2 children were introduced to the concept of sharing/division by grouping. This was done gradually. Firstly the children had to ring groups of a certain amount and then count how many groups they had made. They were then introduced to the word divide and what that meant. Then, instead of the being to ring groups of an amount, they were asked to DIVIDE into groups of an amount! The final step was to introduce the division symbol. Next week, the children will be looking at sharing amounts between groups. We tried very hard! 

The primary one children completed their teaching block on numbers to 20. They have discussed the value of each digit, sequenced the numbers, found numbers before/after/between, named odd/even numbers and made amounts. Next week they will complete an assessment for numbers to 20 before moving onto a new topic.

The children completed their block on report writing on Thursday. They wrote about either a bumble bee or a stag beetle using their notes from last week. They were all given oral feedback on their efforts which was also recorded in their jotters. Lots of children used their notes well and were trying very hard to punctuate correctly. Some children used the common word wall to support them whilst writing.

For gym this week, the children continued to practise ball skills. They practised bouncing a ball while static and also when moving. They also practised rolling a ball correctly and aiming at a target.

In project this week, the children learned about food chains. They learned that food chains start with a producer which is usually a plant. This is then followed by consumers. The first consumer is usually a herbivore or an omnivore and this is then followed by a carnivore. The larger the carnivore, the further up the food chain they are. 

Finally, just a wee reminder to label your child's clothes. I have had to put several items into lost property because they have not been labelled and cannot be reunited with their owners. 

Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig.