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Good afternoon

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend.

This week, the P1 children completed their work on measuring. They learned to measure different objects using non-standard units. The P1 children were also assessed on their place value knowledge of numbers to 20. We will be working on the skills that need to be practised such as understanding the value of each numeral and number, writing each number the correct way round and forming our numerals correctly.

The P2 children continued to explore repeated addition. They were introduced to the times table symbol and it was explained this stood for 'groups of.' So the children understand that 2 x 5 is the same as 2 groups of 5 or 5 + 5. Next week the children will learn about commutativity and multiplying by 1, 0 and 2.

For writing this week, the children used their notes from last week to write a report about a squirrel. We talked about ensuring that we wrote facts and not opinions in our report. 

In PE, the children continued to practise their dribbling skills. They linked the skills of controlling and stopping the ball to the dribbling practise to ensure success. 

For project this week, the children learned the difference between a vertebrate and an invertebrate.  They then sorted a set of animals into the two groups.

The children also set up an experiment to find out what a plant needs to survive. Every child got to plan some cress seeds. I planted a few extra pots. One pot was placed in the fridge and one in a dark cupboard. The other pot will not be watered. The children are going to observe what happens to those plants compared to their own plant.

Have a lovely weekend. Kind regards, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig.