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Good afternoon everyone,

There was great excitement amongst the children on Tuesday at the prospect of getting their school photo taken. All the children looked very smart and I am sure you were thrilled with how super your child looked in their photograph. 

On Wednesday, the children were introduced to the green 'when' words in a sentence during their Colourful Semantics lesson. I introduced the lesson by asking the children if they knew any 'when' words. I ended up with a huge list on the board including days, months, special events and words such as today/tomorrow/yesterday. All the children were able to order their silly sentences correctly and underline each word with the correct colour. I do hope the children will transfer their knowledge of correct sentence structure over to their independent writing.

For maths this week, the P2 children continued to work on their understanding of counting and representing equal sets. They also explored how to represent equal sets as repeated addition. This concept proved tricky and the children were given lots of time to explore and practise the concept. Next week, they will be introduced to the x sign and how to represent a repeated addition as a times table sum. For example, 2 + 2 + 2 = 3 x 2

The P1 children finished their money topic on Wednesday. They learned how to work out change from 10p when paying for goods costing different amounts. The children then started a short measure topic. They each made a playdough caterpillar. They then used cubes to measure its length. As a group, the children ordered their caterpillars from shortest to tallest. They were then challenged with making their own caterpillar shorter, longer, heavier then lighter. All these tasks supported the children to become familiar with the language of measurement.

For writing this week, the children worked in pairs or as a group with me to find information about a squirrel in a short text. They highlighted chosen facts and then copied key words into their fact sheet. The children will use this information next week to help them write a factual report about a squirrel.

In PE, we continued to work on ball skills. The children revised controlling then stopping a ball using the side and sole of their foot. They then practised accurately passing the ball to each other using their feet.

The children had a fun time on Friday during the celebrations for the King's coronation. They made lovely crowns to wear. As part of King Charles' Big Help Out which is to encourage communities to make a change, the children each planted a sunflower seed. Once the sunflower seed develops into a shoot, the children will be able to bring it home. The aim is to encourage more wildlife into our communities and gardens which will help make a change to our local environment.

I'm sure the afternoon treats were enjoyed by all the boys and girls. 

I do hope you all enjoy the coronation weekend. Mrs Greig and I look forward to seeing all the boys and girls next week.

Kind regards, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig.