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Good afternoon,

There has been great excitement this week because the children took part in their final dance dress rehearsal before the big day on Monday. The children have all worked so hard on their moves and they will be absolutely fabulous on the day!

This week in maths, the P1 children continued their work on subtraction. They learned that there were different words that mean the same as subtraction including take away and less than. The children were introduced to further strategies they could use to help them including the use of  a number line. 

The P2 children were learning to compare numbers to work out the largest or smallest number. They then used this skill to put several numbers in the correct order. The children learned that they needed to look at the tens number to help them .They only looked at the ones if the ten was the same in both numbers they were comparing. This was tricky for some and I have put a game on Seesaw that the children can do with an adult for extra practise.

For writing this week, the children wrote a story about their Wild Thing at Max's wild rumpus. They had to think about using verbs to describe what their wild thing did at the wild rumpus. They also had to use adjectives to describe what things looked like and how the wild thing felt. The stories were very entertaining and I have put them on Seesaw for you to enjoy.

There was further excitement on Thursday when Mrs Thomson introduced the children to our new Robot Mouse. The children got the chance to tinker with them during their play sessions. It gave them a chance to explore what the buttons did and how it made the Robot Mouse move. They learned that they had to press the red clear button to clear away the previous program before creating their own.

On Friday, the children used their knowledge of the Robot Mouse to create an algorithm to help them program it to follow a certain route provided on a challenge card. The children did this in groups and lots of skills were required. These included cooperation, problem solving, breaking down the task and following a plan. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Kind regards, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig