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Good afternoon everyone,

For maths this week, the primary one children learned about the meaning of symmetry. They got the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding through creating their own butterfly design. They also continued their work on fractions. The focus this week was on finding fractions of amounts. The children were given plenty opportunities to explore this concept in a practical way. They learned to find half a given amount of cubes by sharing them into two equal groups.

The primary two children continued their work on place value. They learned how to count in steps of tens and ones. They got plenty of opportunity to make two digit numbers using tens rods and ones cubes. The children also practised recording the numbers that were being displayed in tens rods and ones cubes. We finished of the week learning what the value of each digit in a two digit number was. For example in 52 the value of the digits are 50 + 2. We explored this concept by setting out the number using the rods and cubes then laying out the value of the tens then the ones using arrow cards. 

For workshop for literacy this week, the children were learning about verbs. The learning intention was to be able to use verbs in their writing. The children had to draw pictures of what the monkeys in the Twits were doing and then write about it, ensuring that a verb was used in each sentence. 

We continued the pirate theme in writing this week. The children were given a pirate's treasure map of a desert island. They had to discuss with a partner how the pirate would get through the landmarks to find his treasure. There were many fantastic ideas including using the crocodile's heads as stepping stones to jump over the river, running as fast as lightning over the quicksand and climbing up the hot lava volcano! The ideas were then discussed as a class and recorded for the children to use in their writing. There were lots of opportunity to practise using verbs in our writing this week. 

In gym on Thursday, the children were practising different kinds of balancing. They learned that to balance, you have to keep as still as you can, make a strong shape and hold the shape for a short period of time. We practised balancing on many parts of our body including on one foot, one foot and one hand, our shoulders, back and bottom. Next week the children will be using all the gymnastic skills they have learned and will be supported to develop their own gymnasitcs sequence.

Have a lovely weekend. Kind regards, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig.