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Good afternoon and welcome to our Autumn term at Canmore.

The children themselves have certainly been talking about the change in the weather from last term and are becoming aware of the different seasons .
Indeed, `Autumn` is our P1 topic for the first half of the term and this week we were learning to recognise the signs of Autumn. 
Autumn traditions and special days also featured in our learning this week and with the schools Halloween Disco taking place tonight, the children were learning about the traditions of Halloween. As part our Digital Technology Curriculum, we used a search engine and keywords to support our learning. 
We used the excitement of Halloween to provide the context for our Creative Dance this week. I hope you enjoyed sharing the Seesaw video of the first stages of our `Creepy Conga` with your child on Wednesday evening.
Halloween also provided a hook for this weeks writing lesson as we created our own magic potions and spells.

Another highlight for the children was reading their first reading book and taking them home to read to you. Reading books will go home each Thursday and return to school each Monday. As explained in your childs reading pack, the children will continue to bring home these wordless stories until they have been introduced to all 26 letters of the alphabet. This week the children were learning to recognise and write the letters: a, t and s, and to read and write the words : a, at and as. The boys and girls have loved looking on Seesaw as a class, proudly showing each other their homework uploads. Evidence shows that consolidation and practise at home has a huge impact in your childs success at this stage.  Thank you so much for your support and commitment to this homework.

Another highlight this week was learning all about the numbers 0, 1, 2 and 3. There is so much to learn about these numbers. We have been learning to form the numbers correctly, identify their position in relation to other numbers on the number line using words such as `before, after, in between, more, less, bigger and smaller` correctly, recognise odd and even, discover add facts and become familiar with the visual representations in numicon form. A favourite activity is creating numicon monsters for each number. I hope youve enjoyed the pictures your child has brought home.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs.Davie, P1 and Ted.