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Good afternoon,

Our main maths focus this week was upon 2D shape, working with the 2D shapes; circle, square, triangle and rectangle. We were developing the mathematical vocabulary; sides, straight and curved lines, longer and shorter as we described the shapes. We also recognised these shapes in the world around us in objects such as wheels, clocks, buildings etc and got creative making monsters and other things. Such activities gave those less confident in naming the shapes, plenty of practise.

In literacy we took a closer look at what makes a `good listener`. We came up with a list of success criteria including: looking at the person who is talking, having empty hands and having quiet mouths. We practised by listening to instructions to colour our Loch Ness Monster worksheets. This is a skill we will continue to work on each week. 
We were also learning to identify the first sound made in words, for e.g monster starts with a m sound and snake starts with a s sound. The skill of breaking words into their individual sounds is needed if children are going to be able to write words. The children enjoyed a playful approach to these lessons using games and stories. 

In P.E we now have an impressive list of games to play with our classmates in the playground. Banana Tig, Toilet Tig, Mirror Tig, Stick Tig, What`s The Time Mr.Wolf?, There was a Princess Long Ago. Duck, Duck Goose and The Farmers In His Den are some of our favourites.

In Topic work we are continuing to learn about our school. This week we were learning more about the people who help us in school. It was interesting interviewing Jeanette our school cook and Mr.Hepburn our school janitor.

In Outdoor Learning we are continuing to explore the schools outdoor space with the support and encouragement of our P7 buddies. This week we were helped to explore the large outdoor equipment, the `Trim Trail`. The children had a wonderful time and epressed how proud they were of their achievements.

Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs.Davie, P1 and Ted.