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Good afternoon,

As part of Literacy this week we have begun to look more closely at consonant digraphs such as st,br,fl,gr,pl,cr. The children were listening for the sounds in their winning story time books, suggesting their own words starting with the same sounds, reading and spelling words with the sounds. I was pleased to hear many children transferring what they had learned in these lessons into their class reading book sessions.

At the beginning of the week, in Maths time, we concluded our work on measure by exploring capacity. We then moved on to learn to count in 10`s from 10-100.  As well as chanting in 10`s, the children were challenged with finding the missing multiples of 10 in number pattern sentences. Next week we will move on to counting in2`s.

The highlight of our week was learning to play Non-stop cricket,- a Summer favourite of school children throughout Scotland and fast becoming a favourite of ours too! The children are looking forward to playing it again during our final Walkabout session on Thursday22nd  when we visit the local playpark. We are still looking for a few more parent/grandparent volunteers to help us that morning so please comment on the Seesaw post if you are able to do so, Thank you for your support.

Have a lovely weekend
Mrs.Davie, P1 and Biscuit.