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Good afternoon,

In maths this week we were learning about subtraction. We used songs such as Five Current Buns and Ten Green Bottles to introduce the concept of taking away. The children learned the sign for subtract, the different words which we use when talking about subtracting, to mentally subtract 1 and 2 and to carry out simple subtraction sums. 

In phonics the children have been learning that `a` can make an `o` sound in some words. We focused on the words `was`, `want`, `all` and `what`, in particular. Each group had at least one of these words in their  reading book this week which gave us all an extra reason to learn this sound. In writing this week we used our new learning to write a sentence about something we` want` to do at the weekend. 

In Topic work we are continuing to learn about People Who Help Us`. This week we looked more closely at the role of the Police Officer, the Lifeguard and the Helicopter Rescue Crew.

Of course the highlight of the week was Red Nose Day. We all had incredible fun listening to and learning new jokes to entertain our friends and family. I hope you enjoy hearing them all tonight ! 

Have a lovely weekend 
Mrs.Davie, P1 and Biscuit.