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Dear adults,

The week started with a lovely Scottish sharing assembly where the Scottish Poetry finalists from every class recited their poems to each other.  Our P1 finalists; Jayden and Jack and our winners ; Hanna and Josh displayed great confidence as well as skill as they recited, `Robin Riedbriest, by JK Annand`. 

As part of our RME curriculum, we also found out about another festival, Chinese Lunar New Year. The children were fascinated to learn about how the animals had a year named after them and how the Chinese Zodiac has followed this cycle for years, named after the twelve animals. The children also learned about how Chinese New Year is celebrated.

Our visit from Ailee the optician this week kicked off our new topic of People Who Help Us In Our Community. Next week we will be learning about the role of the vet. 

Following Biscuits upset tummy after biting a bar of soap this week, we learned about things we should eat and things we should not eat. This Health and Wellbeing outcome about `Harmful Substances `features in the Early Years Curriculum. Next we will learn about medicine safety.

It was great to hear that some of the children took part in The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch at home last weekend. We are certainly becoming more prepared for the RSPBs Big Schools Birdwatch at the end of February as we learn to recognise and identify more birds coming into our school grounds. If you want to know the difference between a Herring Gull and a Black Headed Gull or a Crow and a Blackbird, you know just who to ask! Bird identification has been a very motivating context for learning how to write sentences and for learning about the features of a non-fiction book and each child is extremely proud of their `First Book Of Birds` books they are creating. 

In maths the children have been learning to identify 2D shapes, discuss their properties using the words `sides` and `corners`, recognise shape in everyday objects, draw shapes and be creative with them. In mental maths we are becoming more fluent at remembering doubles.  

Of course the highlight of the week was our participation in this years Fife Festival Of Music at St.Ninians conference centre on Wednesday. The children sang beautifully with big smiles and great enthusiasm. It also didnt go unnoticed by the organisers how exceptionally smart and well-behaved they were. We were all very proud of our youngest ambassadors for Canmore School!

Have a lovely weekend
Mrs.Davie, P1 and Biscuit.