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Good afternoon,

We started this week looking towards the Canmore Christmas Fayre. It was a strong motivator for learning about how we pay for goods and for recognising coins. It certainly put them in a more confident position for selling and buying goods on Friday.

We also used the Fayre as a context for learning about labels and about the need to form letters clearly. As well as practising the formation of the sounds taught so far, we wrote labels for our stall.

This week the new sounds taught were: g o and u and the common words taught were; get, got, not, up and mum. In preparation for getting home reading books with words in the new year, we have also been learning to read the names and recognise a few of the characters from our reading books. So far we can read and recognise Mum, Dad and Kipper. Next week we will focus upon the other main characters Biff, Floppy and Chip. When your child is sharing their wordless stories with you at home, please ensure they are using the correct names of the characters.You can find the names and pictures of each of the main characters in your childs reading pack. Thank you for your support.

As well as the Canmore Christmas Fayre another highlight of the week was a visit by the author, `Christine Hodghton'. The children listened well to snipits of her book, `Archies Tales' and enjoyed telling me what they enjoyed most about the book.

Have a lovely weekend,