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What a change in the temperature this week!  We have had a very busy week culminating in a fun filled Outdoor Learning session today.  We read the story of the Leaf Man and decided to create our own Leaf creatures outside.  We were very lucky as our garden had so many leaves for us to use, we were spoiled for choice!  We also thought some of the leaves were as bright as fireworks too.
In Numeracy this week, we have been learning about the number 5 and how to write this correctly.  We made our own Number 5 Monsters with 5 eyes, feet, hands, heads, etc...  We also looked back to remind ourselves of how to write all of our numbers as sometimes we forget and they end up facing the wrong way!
In Literacy this week, we have been learning to engage with a story through our reading with our ORT books. In Drawing Club, we created information posters to tell others how to be safe with fireworks and sparklers. 
In Phonics, we learned how to write the letter P and the sound and action that goes with this letter to help us remember.  We can now create quite a lot of words with the letters we now know, s a t i p n.
We hope Mrs Davie feels better over the weekend and look forward to everyone having a safe and fun Bonfire Night over the weekend.
Primary 1 & Mrs McIntosh