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Good afternoon, 
In writing this week we were learning how to add extra details into our pieces of writing by creating a second sentence.
In reading, we learned to recognise and spell the common word `people' . We also practised the other common words taught.  We are becoming more fluent readers due to the number of common words we are now recognising instantly. We also practised the sounds made by ou, ai and oa . After sharing our reading books this week, we practised completing sentences by finding the missing words. 
In Numeracy, we learned how to 1/2 the numbers 2,4,6,8 and 10. We hope you enjoyed learning our strategies and watching us in action on Seesaw.
The highlight of our week was singing and playing singing games outside with our Music Specialist, Mrs.Baxter.  Again we hope you enjoyed watching a snap shot on Seesaw. 
Have a super weekend,
Mrs.Davie and P1.